After a strenuous 10 days on the trail, Houdini, Jay-bird, and I arrived at Reeds Gap mp 837, and are taking some time off at my parents’ house to plan our next move.
Thank you so much to my brother Mike who has been updating the blog since we left from Springer Mtn. nearly 3 months ago. Words cannot express my gratitude for keeping everyone informed of our whereabouts and for putting my thoughts into words. I would also like to thank my parents for their constant support of the hike and for all the food and supplies that have been sent in mail drops. Thank you Danny for your sense of humor, and I hope you can find the time to join me for a day or two on the trail.
I would also like to thank my Comfort Zone family for all of the support, motivation, and inspiration to keep hiking north! Whenever the going gets tough on the trail, I am able to remind myself of why I came out in the first place. Spreading word about Comfort Zone Camp always gives me the strength and will to keep going and I couldn’t ask for anything more than that.
Thank you James and Manuel (Jay-bird and Houdini) for being the best two hiking buddies and friends one could ask for. I can’t imagine going through this journey without either one of you. I can’t remember ever being as happy or content with my life and where it is going, even when that is completely unknown. Thank you Crazy Beard, Low Profile, Too Tall, and Dylan for all of the good times and tough times- I hope the trail finds us all together again soon.
I would also like to thank everyone who has given us rides to and from the trail, to everyone who supplies Trail Magic, and to all the volunteers who maintain the trails. The further this journey continues, I have come to realize just how many people are there to help a thru-hiker on his or her journey and quite simply, a thru-hike would not be possible without all of the support and help provided by everyone along the way.
I have gained so much from this journey. Following a passion for Comfort Zone and wanting to make a difference is what brought me to the mountains. I didn’t expect to change physically or mentally as much as I have already but it’s great! And I can’t wait for what is to come around the bend and for the unknown ends for which the trail will take us. There is nothing more fulfilling in life than following your passions. The personal growth and reconnection with the natural world that I have experienced on the AT is unparalleled by any other experience, and the relationships created along the way have been some of the purest and truest that I have ever felt.
Our plan from here: While Dylan and Low Profile will be testing the water levels on a float down the Shenandoah River this week, Houdini, Jay-bird, and I will be busy looking into purchasing or renting canoes for a potential Aqua-blaze through the Shenandoah to Harpers Ferry, WV. We are anticipating the arrival of Crazy Beard in Richmond on Friday and look forward to reuniting with him since our last departure nearly 400 miles ago in Damascus, VA.
Until then, Peace and Love to all hikers in the Land of Plenty! We’ll be back soon!