Lots to report on this Sunday afternoon. AT for CZC has officially made it to Virginia. I spoke with Matt yesterday afternoon after he and James had successfully arrived in Damascus. They have now hiked an impressive 467 miles. Matt reports that they are both in high spirits, having successfully completed a grueling week that culminated in what he called the "best four days of hiking we've had on the Trail."
Having just scarfed down a satisfying lunch, they planned on cleaning up at The Place, a hiker hostel located in First United Methodist Church, before heading out to catch an afternoon movie. Sounded like they had a restful twenty four hours planned!
I also received the following note from Matt on Friday afternoon. The tone of this letter stands in direct contrast with our phone conversation, illustrating the dramatic ups and downs of life on the Trail:
Trail Journal, 6/3/2012
I don't know where to begin. This past week on the Trail has been the wildest and has pushed us all to our limits, both physically and mentally. A few days ago, Crazy Beard (Ray) and I hiked 26 miles. Our hike ended at 3 in the morning in a thunderstorm but was probably my best day on the Trail.
The following night, James, Low Profile and I decided to wait out the storm and hike to Roan Mtn. shelter (the highest shelter on the AT at an elevation of over 6,000 feet). We left around 6 and hiked up the mountain only to all get lost and separated in the fog and the night.
Low Profile and I made it to the shelter and ended up staying awake shivering all night due to the cold. It must have been 30 degrees or below with the windchill, rain and elevation. We boiled water in Nalgene bottles for warmth and kept the stove burning all night. Was seriously worried about James who ended up camping with Too Tall on top of the mountain. It was the coldest night in June that any of us had ever experienced.
We all regrouped at the shelter the following morning in the lowest of spirits and then Trail Magic happened. Pat, a former thru-hiker of the AT and P.C.T. (Pacific Coast Trail) arrived in the morning with a feast for us. He cooked kabobs with fresh meat and vegetables, corn on the cob, country ham and egg burritos, dump cake (the best thing I've ever eaten in my life) which consisted of cherries, blueberries, cake, marshmallows and hershey bars, bread on a stick, pancakes and asparagus.
In less than 24 hours, I had experienced the worst time on the Trail only to be redeemed by Pat's feast. Thanks so much to Pat and Friends: that was the best day on the Trail for all of us. To it now, we all know the power of nature and the elements and also recognize how much we value Trail Magic and all the good people whom are helping us on the way.
James ended up sleeping that night inside his backpack! That's how cold it was.
But spirits are high now as we have regrouped with our Connecticut friends, Too Tall, Crazy Beard and Low Profile, as well as Houdini and Possum. We're in pursuit of Wooly and Gunny and approaching Damascus. Still playing bonfires and playing music every night. Thanks so much to Gil who joined us for a stretch of challenging Trail. Pretty sure he brought us beautiful luck and weather.
The bond between thru-hikers is amazing and I hope everyone can witness the beauty and goodness that can be found in the mountains. The warmth from a fire never burned hotter, truer friends have never been found. We depend on each other and we will get to Maine together. Will call with news from Damascus.
PS. Drum was bought in Asheville. Low Profile and I went in to town and ended up staying with Ben and Adam from Asheville. Thanks so much for your hospitality.
James added on the letter: "On the night hike to Roan Mountain, there was fog the whole way and the visibility was about 3 feet even with my brand new headlight. The reason I didn't make it to the shelter was because I missed the turn off twice in the fog. I hiked 2 miles past the shelter, hiked back only to miss it again. The wind where I camped threatened to blow my tent down the mountain as I was setting it up as well."
Finally, Matt jotted an additional note on the letter, dated June 5th: "We are just now leaving Mountain Harbour B&B and Hiker Hostel after two days of rest. Had the best home-cooked breakfast here! Special thanks to Terry and Mary Hill for their hospitality!"